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Yo-cuh  23
Menty Billy calling yo an idiot cuh
Great_  33 M
Zdravo lol
Dabzbunny420  41 F
Who is banning you
Pgd70  64
Didn’t he say he was going to his dialysis appointment?!
kcmobilly  38 M
I’m doing a good job lol 😂
I banned it great lol 👍
Dabzbunny420  41 F
Hope you don’t have a heart attack in your sleep tonight old troll
Dabzbunny420  41 F
😂 he hasn’t had an original thought since his mom told him what to say
CharlieSB  38
Aww look at billy trying to stir the pot 😂
kcmobilly  38 M
U guys are idiots js
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