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byronpt2  62
Brandy 👋🌹
About a tiny little guy named Billy who thought he was so tuff
byronpt2  62
Lol multiple personalities is always*fun* 🤣🤣
Bottom line is...I'm a writer...n now I'm g9nna start a story
Macbook  40
Characters huh ! Several personalities I know
meanlalabean  38 F
Now they got some earth. Water. Fire. And air bending crap
Rena42  42 F
Tge 20 minutes I'm here so greatly affect u think I'm here all day
kcmobilly  38 M
Chill needs a friend ain’t it ain’t me lol
El_kawvron  124 M
She's not crazy she's just got "character" 👀
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