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BamaGrl256  45 F
I think his is more along the lines of Goodwill and a sharpie
srvdallas  25 M
Lacey has much better boobs than you. And is prettier
Alert-fcol  103
If u listen to the song 3 times .u kinda get into it
I don't like her personality fizzles lol
Gigglyfizzles  38 F
Wow no way! Etsy clothing lines are all the range now
What happened to your eyebrows?
Alert-fcol  103
You shld do a collaboration with him gigs lol
They say red heads most likely to have freckles
Gigglyfizzles  38 F
I think meghan is stunning
BamaGrl256  45 F
Yea and he has now clothing line with his name on them
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