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I would eat it if it was free range just saying
srv4pm  38 M
Animals make the best ribs, you just cook them.
JustCherry36  39 F
They were a a very nice combo
El_kawvron  124 M
A ham steak with a couple eggs hhaaash browns toast an bacon 😋🤤
srv4pm  38 M
Ethan is Muslim. Doesn't eat pork but likes bacon. 🤔
Yuck pairing pig with fruit
byronpt2  62
Chop is my current fav steak house. I haven't tried Ruth Chris yet.
JustCherry36  39 F
Oh right I used to do ham steaks with pineapple back in the day
JustCherry36  39 F
I make the best ribs
byronpt2  62
A good ham steak with pineapple is great too
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