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Avaya-  22 F
Nah. No kidding. What's the highest?
Beyond-Measure  50 M
Isn't there a game on the PS platform for singing?
Alert-fcol  103
Texas vs Australia lol
Beachboy2719  43 M
Ok me im more hiphop but also love song and oldies sometimes i know so much
Avaya-  22 F
Whoaa! My singing voice scks Azoka
Azoka-_-Blade  36 F
We need votes
Alert-fcol  103
That's the highest ava .Mines a 60
Avaya-  22 F
I'll pray for you Heart. Take care
Azoka-_-Blade  36 F
Australian Idol vs American Idol Rg vs Meekz vs Ava 😂😜
Alert-fcol  103
U shld Fred God is good
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