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Dabzbunny420  41 F
Oooo he bothered, acting like he knows my finances šŸ˜‚
your 7-Eleven job don't provide dental insurance?
Yo-cuh  23
Vern trav troy cuh lol
oXMentyXo  44 F
Ohhh Stand by me.. šŸ¤”
Alert-fcol  103
Lol trav trying liked again?
oXMentyXo  44 F
Whos Vern?
Rabid_Rabbit0008  M
<ā€”- Iā€™m showing my teeth šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø
u can't afford a dentist it's obvious lmao
Yo-cuh  23
Vern I'm having a laugh cuh no hate here
DABS is an example of trailer park trash
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