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I like doing it fonzie, can i call you?
Imperfect23  50 F
I was around 4 my time 5 am his time then i logged off to cook dinner
oXMentyXo  44 F
Is that a diffrent Reality?
AngelOutLaw  101 F
Why would he go to OKC?
Mandy is craving soggy, toast, and beans GšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ«˜
Eww gun get a visiting nurse to do that
oXMentyXo  44 F
Think every1s on the blob Mildred..
Swewrtogodonmymama šŸ˜­
UnbotheredRairai  16 M
Clean our house leo? I'm not maid ok
I swear to God amir is a hatin as bij lol
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