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Roflol just seen a trailer of a film where people r locked up together for
Ethan___________  43 M
Oh boredom. Can't be one of them so ban
Yes it's a fantastic feeling of power in a place that doesn't matter
Ethan___________  43 M
All day sir in here and ban tomorrow
Ethan___________  43 M
Yep banning people . Is my new thing .
Britt___  34 F
Dont support her. Shes paying the sheriff 300$ an hour
Ethan___________  43 M
Yeah because they were all around me . Dodgy
He has an experience with hlnselft 8 hours a day in here
Britt___  34 F
I feel sorry for that village. Shes closing down ppls businesses if they
Ethan___________  43 M
Playing poker machine
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