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Azoka-_-Blade  36 F
Yes im from australia.
Are you from australia
Azoka-_-Blade  36 F
Ive banned all his sns in the rooms i own . so no problem there
Azoka-_-Blade  36 F
He does it in Aussie chat. So does another guy
Maybe go clean up the other chatrooms
Good ill make sure from now on no one flood the chatroom it gets anoying
Azoka-_-Blade  36 F
A few of us ban him in Aussie Chat
Azoka-_-Blade  36 F
Witnesses said he looks like he hasn't showered in month's
Hahaha azoka funny i already banned 3 in no time its gone be my fun now
Azoka-_-Blade  36 F
Joel was spotted at a KFC dumpster looking for a family feast 🐔🐔
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