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Nazzy_Charleston  39
Twon I know
Twinky is jealous of me coz Nasty Nazzy wants my BWC
Oudit  49 M
My planet is girls
TwizzTwon  41 M
😭😭😭Naz he wanna be a black woman bad. Fat spicy mf.
Twinky Twonk is nearly as gay n retarded as Oudit
TwizzTwon  41 M
He need to take u. U don't get no pusssy anyway. U wanna be a black woman
Nazzy_Charleston  39
:(( he want to taste the black GOD
Oudit can u take Twinky with you to your gay planet?
TwizzTwon  41 M
Boy put a bib on. U got nut dribbling off yo chin πŸ˜…
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