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dollazday  60 M
U just a virtual come dump
roseperry12  36 F
dollazday  60 M
U delusional no guy really wants u
Whatcan_Isay  38 F
U dream bout rocks! U on here bum instead collecting a 💰
dollazday  60 M
With the 💰
Whatcan_Isay  38 F
Ugliest mfr on here
Whatcan_Isay  38 F
U a hard zero
dollazday  60 M
I dream about the 💰 now thats something u no nothing about
Whatcan_Isay  38 F
U day dreaming about bout 🍆s🤷🏾‍♀
Whatcan_Isay  38 F
Try again wrong bitcx im not them crakheads u be around
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