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Yellowjacket2023  45 M
It’s sort of boring now on Sundays the NFL season is over πŸ˜’
Yellowjacket2023  45 M
Hi room hope everyone is doing well
Bajanwolf357  45 M
Bajanwolf357  45 M
Who is broke tonight
Whatcan_Isay  38 F
I take big bird compared to how u look
Whatcan_Isay  38 F
Lets get real u a raxpiest no 1 not ,giving u shht if u not paying
Whatcan_Isay  38 F
U aint getting shht u looking like something that belong in a grave yard
Bajanwolf357  45 M
Who is broke tonight
Bajanwolf357  45 M
Bajanwolf357  45 M
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