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Lucian  99 M
Wrecked arm. Laydrz Jazz, tc.
MiniLuver  44 F
Extended vacation is for good reason take care
MiniLuver  44 F
Speaking of going back to work I have to clock in. Hope your
Lucian  99 M
Hey Jazz. I'm bored! Wanna go back to work but got 2 more months off. Hws u
QT_GEL-_-36  37 F
Im a different timezone the sun is still up
QT_GEL-_-36  37 F
Imwa different timezone the sun is still up
MiniLuver  44 F
Luciano 🤌🤌 how you been man?
Lucian  99 M
Yal up late. Go ta bed!
MiniLuver  44 F
In this specific chat room especially lol goodness 😅 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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