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Avaya-  22 F
Real people aren’t perfect, because perfect people aren’t real. Lol
Runzwithscissors  48 F
Runzwithscissors  48 F
2 girls scissoring with the runs
Runzwithscissors  48 F
What's worse than 2 girls running with scissors?
Runzwithscissors  48 F
I have a joke
Oudit  49 M
Girls move back to pope oudit divorce BoysDogsCats weapons cigars 🌈
Inspirational messages from the far edge of sanity
ILuvTheWayYouRai  36 M
before you can be real with anyone else.
kcmobilly  38 M
ILuvTheWayYouRai  36 M
You have to be real with yourself
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