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People are angry.
all-is-black - 2022-08-11
He pleaded the 5th. He did it because he is a lying criminal.
House-Money - 2023-04-30
They have all but said it. If they can't be in control America is a rat infested dirty country . It's like saying if I don't win it is because they cheated.
Okie321 - 2023-04-30
Vivek Ramaswamy just destroyed f chuck todd on Meet the Press
 57 M
Okie321 - 2023-04-30
Vivek Ramaswamy 2024
 57 M
House-Money - 2023-04-30
They basically want a dictatorship they want our officials oppointed not elected. It why Trump openly broke the law by calling a.elected official looking for 11,785 votes which he didn't have
House-Money - 2023-05-01
The Republican party is done in America. Greg Abbot just exposed you as anything thinking right wing bigots. I don't give a flying f ucc where a victim is from it doesn't register on the ricter scale.dummy
House-Money - 2023-05-01
To state someone's immigration status proves you are a need of mental help
House-Money - 2023-05-01
The republican party is anti American they want to tank the economy because America rejected their az at the ballot box.
SICK-WITTED - 2023-05-01
How mad are you right now tho
 53 M
House-Money - 2023-05-03
I'm not mad G I move forward. My future looks very good
House-Money - 2023-05-03
Just got another quarterly bonus payout 4200 my paper is straight

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