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People are angry.
all-is-black - 2022-08-11
He pleaded the 5th. He did it because he is a lying criminal.
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-10
The public hearing had every one of them running
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-10
Why would anything concerning bigots be private?
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-10
Christi has called you insane bigots
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-10
He said how can anyone who calls himself a sane Americsan vote for.a crazy lying racist.
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-10
Now every lying right winger has went mute. They got their face spit in yesterday and stayed in hiding from then on.
SICK-WITTED - 2024-01-11
The main right winger that's gone mute is Saka. ðŸŦĩðŸĪĢ "oh he's a Starbuck world class..." ðŸĪŠðŸ‘ˆ
 54 M
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-12
Red necks in Kenticky are waking up to right wing propaganda they are banning together form a Democratic coalition that will help us defeat Trump there. They wear red bandana they are for speaking on racial issues and unfair housing for poor white people.
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-12
It is amazing and has the former President very afraid. He should start ratcheting up the racism on Nikki very shortly I hope phony Republicans can handle the bigotry coming
N/A - 2024-01-13
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-13
TRUMP came.out. trying to makeup a power that does not exist and anyone with a mind knows this. News flash what is happening at the border is nowhere to be found in American law stick with the lie Biden made money off his name.while the world watched Trump do it. You bigots have no shame. You will think anything. You are the deplorable.person Hillary spoke of you are that lying bigot who pretends racism is hard to spot.

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