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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 68 M
super-eddie - 2024-12-20
I don't have no Biden DOJ to back me up. And in a few months neither will Joe Biden. So you better bring some sodas to wash that popcorn down with. All thou Trump has other things to do beside waist his time going after crooked Biden who's time is over and want live long enough to see prison and would not know where he was at even when we put him in there. Beside most of him money is in off shore amounts where we can take if from him anyway. To pay back the American people he stole it from
 68 M
Partycharlie - 2024-12-20
Why don't you go and lay down Eddie and rest your neck in that junk you trying to make a home and nothing else to show for but be on here trying to act like you better than the next man it's been years of this you been on here a 67 lol and trump haven't did jacksht for ya but you bowing down to him that's just to stupid
 60 M
Huevogahzm - 2024-12-20
super-eddie - 2024-12-20
Been chatting with Elon he wants to show me how to get rich.
 68 M
super-eddie - 2024-12-20
Charlie of all the people you could be Jealous of why did you pick me. Oh sure I can get by on little when others need much but I know you can't make it like I do. It's not easy living a hard life like mine. But it's the only way I know how to live. My best advice to you is find another way.
 68 M
WayOfTheDragon - 2024-12-20
super-eddie - 2024-12-20
Elon wants me to invest in his AI thing he has. Says I will get my investment back in 7 days. But I think it will be in Tesla tesla stock. Heck man I want cash back right Charlie
 68 M
super-eddie - 2024-12-20
Hey Charlie you want to buy some Tesla stock.
 68 M
WayOfTheDragon - 2024-12-20
Daretobdiferent - 2024-12-20
Vote in someone who's going to let someone that runs a socialmedia site and plenty to spend to, (influence), getting their own way. Oh no, this isn't going to be bad for America at all🤣. The guy doesn't even have an official political position. You just handed America over to the rich and elite, pretty much in its entirety. Good luck with Trump's broken promises while the billionaire club rake it in. Oh how blind. It's like shaking shiny keys in front of you, but you can't drive the car. 🤔
 55 M

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