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Random Quotes
RandomQuotes--_- - 2024-09-22
Random quotes and thoughts in mind
RandomQuotes--_- - 2024-09-22
Be a better person no matter how worse those persons around you. Do not let urself be intoxicated by their poison.
RandomQuotes--_- - 2024-09-22
When the chaos is in ur head, do not let ur heart be disturbed...shout it all out in prayer and let God's peace took it's throne inside u .
RandomQuotes--_- - 2024-09-22
When u are trying hard to change for good and choose God's path...the evil also try it's best to blurry ur map and led u astray , but do not be afraid and let God handle everything...God has never failed any battle against the evil.
RandomQuotes--_- - 2024-09-22
When someone betrays u, do not even try to do the same...Strong people doesn't waste their energy on useless things.
MzEclectic - 2024-09-23
cool your jets
 51 F
Bonkers82___ - 2024-09-23
Trump won
 42 M
byronpt2 - 2024-09-23
Lmao 😂🤣🤣
UnknownUser--- - 2024-09-27
There's always a harvest when you planted something
Sage1984 - 2024-09-27
My favourite quote has to be from the British Prime Minister "Keir Starmer" on Tuesday 24th September 2024.While speaking at his Labour Party Conference,he woz addressing the israel/palestine war,he said "i call upon hamas to release the sausages!"😁😄😂 he obviously meant "hostages" or did he?!😁😄😂 And the yanks thought Biden woz bad lol at least Biden had an excuse with his old age and most likely cognitive decline.
 40 M
Guitardid684 - 2024-10-01
'I had a parrot and it could talk, but it didnt say "Im hungry" so it died.'
 38 M

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