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People are angry.
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-06
It is anti American to say you won a election you clearly lost
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-06
It is anti American to say you will shut down media sources it is anti American to go on fox and lie to anything thinking white people
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-06
The big lie has infected the mind of so many confused people that they can no longer find their way
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-06
Going along with a lie is the same thing that brought us Jim Crow. White people quietly went along with a damn lie. They created this unfair society where race was the factor that determined success they completely shut blk people out and the Supreme court thinks just because they say everything is fair it truly is. Smh
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-06
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-06
Lying to people is not fairness neither is a made up controversy.
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-06
You couldn't get something struck down using your face so you filed it in the name of a Asian American
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-06
You got them to play your lying az game. You litterally made up laws that target blk people. You had blk laws on the books. Example if 2 cars pulled up to a stop sign at the same time a white driver had the right away the blk laws on the books. This proves the country was racist
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-06
Vagrant laws were created just to arrest blk people looking for work
PDG-1619 - 2024-01-06
For people to believe removing Trump will have America asking the question why remove the top candidate in the Republican party from the ballot? He has already lost a election and refused to accept the findings what makes your anything thinking az believe he will accept the next loss? He will simply say he won and was cheated therefore remove his lying az before the General election

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