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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 M
House-Money - 2024-07-07
Look up if a President has any business calling a secretary of state. You will quickly find out he has no jurisdiction on state run elections
House-Money - 2024-07-07
davidpeterson6 - 2024-07-07
You don't understand even some of the witnesses they brought forward were during his presidency. The things they brought forward some of them were while he was president that just blows the whole case apart
 48 M
davidpeterson6 - 2024-07-07
Check me what what you said doesn't even make any sense
 48 M
House-Money - 2024-07-07
He has no jurisdiction on the senate therfore telling the head of the senate to accept fake electors is a crime dummy
House-Money - 2024-07-07
I will bet you not one of the convictions will be overturned. It all happen while trying to become President lmmfao now keep wedging loser
Djack7-18 - 2024-07-07
Daviepoo, that only covers official acts. It doesn't include criminal activity, or non official acts.
davidpeterson6 - 2024-07-07
For one you don't even know if he was involved with the fake collectors for two there are all kinds of laws when it comes to electors there can be back up the electors I don't think you're qualified to know all the ins and outs
 48 M
Djack7-18 - 2024-07-07
It also doesn't apply to congressional oversight.
House-Money - 2024-07-07
Just as white ppl want to lie to themselves in believing the indictment came after he announced a run instead of before he announced

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