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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 M
House-Money - 2024-07-07
So a man talks about the border over and over just to get to race. A person who chanted lock her up now he is as clean as snow while talking like a damn fool yet every radicalized white person wants him back. Forget about him saying inject bleach forget about him saying Mike Pence didn't have the heart. Just play Biden us too old
House-Money - 2024-07-07
Is not us
House-Money - 2024-07-07
Republicans went from shoot protestors to ignoring why black lives matter was in the street. Completely denying ppl were in the street because a police officer killed a blk man on Facebook live
Evaisjewish - 2024-07-07
David blessed us with his presence? 👋 Hi. Stop 🛑 ! The political parties are not very great. Neither side. We are in bad side
Evaisjewish - 2024-07-07
Evaisjewish - 2024-07-07
Evaisjewish - 2024-07-07
Dang! I'm losing it!
GREATDELUGE-_- - 2024-07-07
supereddie - 2024-07-07
Your not losing it like I am. Dam sorry sister wants money to pay her phone. I told her a year ago to find a cheaper place to live. But she would not listen. Not she thinks I'm going to pay her way through life like my daddy did. She is crazy as shet
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-07-07
My daddy couldn't enjoy his last few years cause she had her hand stuck out at him everyday. She has never had but a few jobs none lasted over 2 weeks before she found a reason to quit. Now her son 33 years old never had a job and don't want a job. If she wants money put his butt to work. I'm not going to support her lazy behind
 67 M

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