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Bruh. 😐
DomesReturn - 2024-01-22
Bruh. 😐
 35 F
Huevomonstrosity - 2024-01-23
Due to production issues, stemming from the covid lockdowns, now might be the best time to sell it. The US used car market was high priced. My wife got over 6k for a 12 year old prius hybrid.
Doctor_Terry - 2024-01-23
I had quite a few diagnostics done on me a couple of weeks ago and the results are as follows. Heart: Excellent. Blood pressure: Great. Cholesterol levels: Outstanding. (he even asked me if I was taking cholesterol tablets lol no way). Diabetes: No.
 53 M
Doctor_Terry - 2024-01-23
So yeah if I'm so fit and healthy then what's the problem? It's a mystery but I'm confident that I'll be right.
 53 M
purleez - 2024-01-23
It's like the lyrics to that Police song..Sting wrote these inspirational words,.."Ah doo,doo,doo,Ah dah,dah,dah, that's all I want to say to you" * REPEAT & then? REPEAT again etc,etc,etc🔥🤟
 105 M
Doctor_Terry - 2024-01-23
Yeah maybe. I spoke with an Indian cab driver a few months ago, he seen my car and asked me about it. He suggested that I should hold onto it as he thought it's value will rise in the next 2-3 years as there's not many about but it's taking up space.
 53 M
purleez - 2024-01-23 helps to be a human bollard dressed in hi viz , kills a few human traffic cones but keeps the cost of car insurance down,👍✌️😏
 105 M
Doctor_Terry - 2024-01-23
I reckon I could get $2,000 no problemo.
 53 M
purleez - 2024-01-23
Oh,my bad,.. Indian taxi drivers!?,Is that code for Uber,.or UnUberized 🤔
 105 M
Doctor_Terry - 2024-01-23
Hush puppy. Anyhoo I gotta split. Laters. It was nice chatting with you Hue, have a good one. Ciao.
 53 M
Huevomonstrosity - 2024-01-23
Often times, with health, it comes down to actually addressing the cause as opposed to the symptoms. Then there's the willingness to incorporate changes to diet and exercise.

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