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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 M
House-Money - 2024-07-08
Everyone is asking ABC why they are asking Biden to end his campaign while Trump can lie and say he won't accept a election and not 1 fn question as to why. The media has had 9 days and nothing.
House-Money - 2024-07-08
There is no disarray we love Biden and we question if it is healthy for him to do another 4 years. See most Americans will vote for Biden dead or alive and a brainwashed bigot doesn't know that
House-Money - 2024-07-08
Biden is America's choice dummy. He doesn't need to prove anything America chose this man
House-Money - 2024-07-08
America lovea Joe Biden the Republican party fears Trump. If you don't believe me look at what a brainwashed Supreme court did and now all of them are hiding
House-Money - 2024-07-08
They can't explain why each and everyone of them said under oath no man is above the law not even the president lmmfao can you say impeached territory ?
supereddie - 2024-07-08
House they covered up their cheating in the election well, but it was not good enough. Saying you lost a quarter million ballots just dont cut it. How can you lose something that was never there. And Georgia I just one of 4 they have evidence of cheating on. Trump did the right thing challenging the election even if the word was out to all the courts not to hear his case
 67 M
supereddie - 2024-07-08
Well they don't mine us finding out now it's to late to do anything about it except stop the steal in this next election.
 67 M
Lermentov - 2024-07-08
You're still lying, goutfellow. When are you going to stop telling lies?
House-Money - 2024-07-08
If Americq hands Joe Biden a super majority Clarence Amy John and Bret Neil and Samuel are all gone. Impeached for lying to congress
Righteousijit - 2024-07-08
Word! Are you men done passing jil and ev around?

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