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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 M
Daretobdiferent - 2024-07-07
Yep TM, ANC when there's no federal agencies left who's running the show? Hmmmm?
 55 M
Daretobdiferent - 2024-07-07
Independent group? Lol
 55 M
Daretobdiferent - 2024-07-07
What did Adolf do. Got rid of anyone that will question him. History repeating.
 55 M
Djack7-18 - 2024-07-07
If they found felonious cheating, they should have reported it to the authorities. Since they didn't, they are now felons, too.
Djack7-18 - 2024-07-07
What fool would advertise their felonious actions? We have evidence of felonies, but we are keeping it a secret!
Partycharlie - 2024-07-07
Biden Harris 2024! Jack Smith 2024!
 59 M
Daretobdiferent - 2024-07-07
Trump gets in welcome to a totalitarian dictatorship. One power running everything TM. No say from "we the people". There no longer is a we. It's them and you do as you're told. And there's no one to go against it. That's what Trump is setting up.
 55 M
Partycharlie - 2024-07-07
That soul train about to come through Obama out there stumping grounds for Biden and well like if Biden step down that would be smart trump to stupid to be just keep making a fool out of his self just a matter of time he going to jail and there not a chance in hell he getting in office he should step down he going to jail it's just a matter of time
 59 M
supereddie - 2024-07-07
Now if you was paying attention you would see that project 2025 has been in uses for the last 3 years by the democrats
 67 M
Daretobdiferent - 2024-07-07
Lol like Schedule F that Trump put in place making it easier to fire federal employees that Biden revoked.
 55 M

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