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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 M
Burritocana - 2024-07-10
 40 F
Burritocana - 2024-07-10
 40 F
Burritocana - 2024-07-10
 40 F
Djack7-18 - 2024-07-10
How come Trump didn't lock up Obama and Hillary and Biden when he had the chance, Eddie? If Trump couldn't do it, who can?
Djack7-18 - 2024-07-10
How come Biden isn't impeached, yet? Where's all that evidence of a crime they promised and never delivered?
Meg_Masters - 2024-07-10
It's up Trump's bleep is where it's at.🤣
 40 F
Anonymous-World - 2024-07-10
Watch out meg, the googleist will surely go looking there for it
RnRTrain - 2024-07-10
Partycharlie - 2024-07-10
Biden Harris 2024! Jack Smith 2024!
 59 M
Partycharlie - 2024-07-10
(m)(m)(m)(m)(m)(m)(m)(m) Biden already beat Trump Eddie what else do he need to prove and it's already proven trump is a disgrace and unfit to be in office any one in there right mind know putting him back in office would be back wards and stupid he facing us to 4 years just with the hush money case and that will be coming this month he already was found guilty on 34 counts it's Over LOCK HIM UP!(m)(m)(m)(m)(m)(m)(m)(m)
 59 M

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