Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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Zezima  47 M
A lot of people do hard drugs out in Baltimore young people
cam-b-on-1  33 M
Omar was hitting the block like shaft
Youbhh  27 F
He said he doesn't want me so AFTER I SAID I CHANGE
I rarely messed wit Baltimore city men.. Baltimore county men & Va Nickas
cam-b-on-1  33 M
Omar on the wire was kissing dude then he shot up the block
Zezima  47 M
One of my cousins OD'd on heroin he got clean and then OD'd and died
cam-b-on-1  33 M
Omar on the wire was kissing dude then he shot up the block
ThereaIheath  33 M
Heath242  37 M
No.dey.aint Jeanine
CUrVey-CoNtOuRz  100 F
Why u asking cap she Sicilian?
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