Chat Room: Aussie Chat
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He uses those because he has no friends
Imback1999  24 M
Think he left to go find his clones.
Kruiz us a man of God Cyclops
Imback1999  24 M
Go sit down this isn't show n tell Robby go sit with the children.
"Throws $$$ at the cooked cyclops" use that to get yourself a new brain
Imback1999  24 M
Hahahahaha cooked that's what U r Rob cooked.
Robert_--Pirrone  M
next week im going to have a drink and mix with lil kruiZ👍🤘
I am going to get a mermaid tail and be a mermaid
Renbuzzsaw  37 M
That's crap. If people were rational, chances are they wouldn't be here
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