Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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I thought dey would get a few warnings before a ban lol
Realm-ofDa-Woods  37 F
Oh i thought yu da one hu paid da bills sadly
disDumbUglyBitchCalln MePheddzBut I'm Bullying her, smdh GTFO MyDam rm.
He's banned over 10 of my pros
Pgd70  64
Youknow626  47 F
We paid bills sweetie we did well honestly real shhhhh
Dam yo lose yo vip profile f dat lol
ActionSpeakLoud  38
Youknow626  47 F
Woods me in zezi relationship wasn't filters sweetie OURS R REAL
ActionSpeakLoud  38
??? answer the fugkin question yeaaaa quiet now huh
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