Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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Zezima  47 M
Sadly why can't you just join in the conversation
Queencap9  47
Who asked if im Italian?
CUrVey-CoNtOuRz  100 F
Heath your dek small I rejected u Eric
Yeah alot of ppl on drugs & barely making ends meets out Baltimore
Zezima  47 M
Bmore and VA gcy thugs
CUrVey-CoNtOuRz  100 F
Lol wtf
Heath242  37 M
Jeanine.yea state of.mind
Light-brightt-  15 M
Their are dark skinned Italians. I seen some they like spicish.
Cam aka Robman u liked that scene don’t u sissy lol
Zezima  47 M
A lot of people do hard drugs out in Baltimore young people
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