Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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Zezima  47 M
I see my primary doctor maybe four or five times a year
Youbhh  27 F
Let me live how I want to
thecr0w  38 F
She will never change Nina old people dont lol
iHeartTacos  34 F
I just been taking out what I need, I finally made it to the bottom. 😆
Zezima  47 M
People don't go to the doctor when they get sick
u MFz JEALOUSasf dat I'm a Marine & dat I'm Married GAFL jeez
Youbhh  27 F
I don't have to go to the doctor how I want
CUrVey-CoNtOuRz  100 F
But she showing no growth at all
Zezima  47 M
She too lazy to go to a hospital and see a doctor
thecr0w  38 F
Lol taco i unpacked mine earlier then put the clothes bck in agin im lazier
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