Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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Oudit  49 M
BoysDogsCats divorce girldits or go to hell in a cell
realitythe1st  72 M
What’s funny is how Mfs got jokes and can’t show shid
realitythe1st  72 M
How repeating the same jokes funny
Oudit  49 M
BoysDogsCats divorce girldits or go to hell
AllTheConfusion  39
Quavo in this movie
realitythe1st  72 M
Mfs been online since the AM cracking jokes 😭
realitythe1st  72 M
How I got a drop top Jetta , come factual with the jokes
realitythe1st  72 M
That shid worth $100 in America 😭
AllTheConfusion  39
Oscar 😭
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