Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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Schase  26 M
So u never cared about her then @ Taco. That's what ur saying?
tacocat--o_0  F
Everything about everything.
Schase  26 M
Nikka should be ashamed of himself dressing in wigs n makeup.
Sev_Von_Doom  101 M
I actually hva Clubber Lang tshirt @ hm lol
Schase  26 M
Exposing what exactly tho👀
Marcuuhz  38
Clubber lane lol
Schase  26 M
Mark wassup🤟🏾
tacocat--o_0  F
Exposing online would be the lowest ever. 🤔
Schase  26 M
Imagine me banning anyone yet alone a nikka that suicidal.
Sev_Von_Doom  101 M
Lmbo Markbro wats gud witcha Ezell frm Friday look'nasz
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