Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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BIG_Difference  70 F
He can’t quit h2
I'm searching for a light skin ebony female lol hmu
Lol Mona it's like the diddy and meek bs anything for ratings
UnbotheredRairai  16 M
Focus on yourself Rella 😭 u need to quit here' u old
Sev_Von_Doom  101 M
Drake,he said he ws tired of the bk & forth...
Acg back to our convo u really believe the end coming
BIG_Difference  70 F
Why does Rai always say he's out yet never leaves?
craziiGUL  37 F
so it's coming back out about drake being in2 lil kids πŸ€” πŸ‘€ πŸ˜’
AllTheConfusion  39
Who you saying quit Drake? Lol @ Wu
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