Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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fakemf  106 M
She jumping in y'all mail box for D collecting cans to use needles
Joey I dnt knoe no joey
Soy-Sincero  55 M
If u not him bitch_ u shouldn't get upset
AllTheConfusion  39
I thought it was India
craziiGUL  37 F
Soy-Sincero  55 M
Banishes u u pop out the blue moon n get upset n 🤬@ppl dAt call u
craziiGUL  37 F
lol smh
Queencap9  47
Dora just keep speaking to zez aally will events off herself
craziiGUL  37 F
jrdaboss81  24 M
Htf u callingfz faqs and u link up with a man wearing wigs
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