Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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Mz_idgaf-  40 F
Soy-Sincero  55 M
Getting there
the_amir  36 M
Is it warm in NY?
Soy-Sincero  55 M
Likewise amir aki trankilo quieto
the_amir  36 M
I gotta go through all these visa request by the end of today imma deny em
Soy-Sincero  55 M
Naz-effext Rythm gonna get u Rythm gonna get u tonite😆morning
RhYthEm2RaGGed  99 F
Watching videos wasting time lol
the_amir  36 M
Nada sin what up
RhYthEm2RaGGed  99 F
Amir 🧡 lol I usually get up 5:30 a.m. everyday but I just lay there
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