Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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cam-b-on-1  33 M
Im normal i dont ever act weird
CUrVey-CoNtOuRz  100 F
You see how he lied about where he live he says two different places
King_Tay  36
He said the Knicks was up 3-0🀣🀣
UnbotheredRairai  16 M
Rella a typical American they slow in geography and history 😭
babygirl371976  48 F
7 gdm
CUrVey-CoNtOuRz  100 F
Manila the richest **** it
UnbotheredRairai  16 M
Lol because it's capital it's the richest 😭 u slow
CUrVey-CoNtOuRz  100 F
I won πŸ‘πŸ€£
CUrVey-CoNtOuRz  100 F
It's that easy to show rai a fake friendπŸ€£πŸ‘
UnbotheredRairai  16 M
Where manila Makati Quezon city etc loacted 😭
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