Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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Schase  26 M
"you can get bail on robbery" "then make it no bail" nikka was ruthless.
Garbage axz mfs
TiNa-Xo  28 F
Zemo18  42 M
Egypt you were in jail for stealing a bottle of fireball whiskey
realitythe1st  72 M
Mfs say the same shid every week 😭
LaViva_  14 F
LaViva_  14 F
Dawgs aynuz pulsates at the though it of a 14yrold .
Oh I found a bean infront of her door it's gold🦍💨💨💨
Taylor-da-God  36 M
Yo on Tubi they got the TMZ presentsownfall of Diddy 🤣
ppedd ahfile Behavior. ALL u homosexuals moeh less chilren & EVERYBODY KNOW
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