Chat Room: Aussie Chat
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Heart7676  41 M
I had to be sure I read also!! That
Heart7676  41 M
And thus in return causing nervous system to slow down too
Heart7676  41 M
It's little understood but I read that thc actually reduces anxiety
Heart7676  41 M
Because thc doesn't affect the release of dopamine
Heart7676  41 M
Because medical science has proven it to actually help psychosis!!
Heart7676  41 M
Right up until recently nobody believed it was beneficial
Heart7676  41 M
But that wasn't really recreational use it was more controlled..but
Heart7676  41 M
Then years later I learnt that melo was alright too not intense thc
Heart7676  41 M
And the ratios can vary depending on my needs
Heart7676  41 M
But I learnt that medicinal green isn't super powered like other stuff
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