Chat Room: Aussie Chat
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You have a fetish for being ****ed up the @$$.. Is that what u vvank over when u post ur filth? is it a fantasy of urs for a guy to f u up the @$$?
A personal question..How many Ioads do u blow in a day when you look at all the pix u collected over the years?
AUnique1  44 F
Is that why u have a fetish for posting :Woots me up da greasy @$$.. Projecting ur fantasies u sick cunnt..
Are u looking for an altar boy so u can fondIe? or for a guy so you can rimm and lick his @$$.
ur a catholic and the catholics are known to be sx predators . is that why u follow the religion u sick cunnt??
f off with your stalking cunnt. how many more ppl are u stalking .. wouldnt surprise me if ur vvanking while watching offline u ugly crossed eyed downy looking mf
Everyday this koksukr stalks ppl on here.. get a life you cross eyed looking mf
Everytime we login u stalk us you sick cunnt.. u need lead sick mf
why are u stalking u sick cunnt?
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