Chat Room: Aussie Chat
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AUnique1  44 F
freakO almost 7 ft tall 🤭😆
Rat-F1nK  M
Spytag says I'm Bondo
AUnique1  44 F
aka Mason Cox
AUnique1  44 F
American Pie
AUnique1  44 F
Rat-F1nK  M
Lol don't rely on Nigerian information lol
Witchie-  99 F
Im not ghee u more on!!
AUnique1  44 F
Carn Tha Pies
Witchie-  99 F
U one eyed bush pig homper how many times do i gotta tell your stoopid ****
If it had 2 eyes it might actually have some correct information 😆🤣😆🤣
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