Chat Room: Aussie Chat
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Heart7676  41 M
So it was something but yea I was sleeping 12 hrs a day
Heart7676  41 M
I was on clozapine ,respiradone too and effector xr all at once
Heart7676  41 M
But i thought the aliens were trying to get me to let them take me away
Heart7676  41 M
The only other I know I've taken with any benefits is the clopixol
Heart7676  41 M
Heart7676  41 M
I became worst then i was before i started taking it
Heart7676  41 M
There is this 3mg tablet which helped but it stopped working and
Heart7676  41 M
It's worth it if it helps me but if it doesn't I won't continue
Heart7676  41 M
Those tga prescriptions aren't cheap
Heart7676  41 M
So cbd wasn't as effective as thc which blew me away!!
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