Chat Room: Aussie Chat
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ArmchairCubsFan  M
ArmchairCubsFan  M
Ozempic heck she can eat 2 pizzas
Witchie-  100 F
Sht go 🤷‍♀️ lifes too short to be bitter and nasty
ArmchairCubsFan  M
Order Tammy a pizza Baylis, you'll be too notch lol
Witchie-  100 F
Yea i hear you baylis but sometimes u gotta be the bigger person and let
Baylis  40 M
I've tried to be nice to her but she's just fffffffffffffrrrKd
Witchie-  100 F
Only if u stop breathing ..u go first 😁
Witchie-  100 F
Trying to change her life good on her ..🤷‍♀️
ArmchairCubsFan  M
Joel's after Witchie again lol
Witchie-  100 F
No we are not mates but im not going to be nasty for no reason ..if she is
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