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Harlowe  28 F
Harlowe  28 F
Could you pass up the opportunity to find out more on something YOU were interested in, if the answers presented themselves to you like a carrot in front of a horse?”
Harlowe  28 F
“I’m interested in you.” She admitted, but shook her head slightly as though having an internal debate. “Clearly. But you really are the most intriguing person I’ve ever met, and I know nothing about you. /c
Harlowe  28 F
before attempting a weak joke. “Your room isn’t that far from mine.” She chased a good reason down in her mind as to why she would have joined him, but since he already knew the truth about her ability, she decided to just lay it all out. /c
Harlowe  28 F
kept in such short leash’s pull… “It’s beautiful.” She murmured as eyes raked along the scenery. “Certainly more to look at than the lodge. Can’t say it was that far, though.” She said after a moment’s hesitation /c
Harlowe  28 F
It indeed was most likely the furthest place she’d ever been to, as she had never had the opportunity to see an image of one from another plane she had never even known existed. She knew they existed, but for one who was /c
Harlowe  28 F
Hope that he accepted this part of her when others could not. His casual air about him as he led her about the court yard lulled her into less defense. She even studied the scenery after he had told her the name of it. /c
Harlowe  28 F
should he choose to attack her. The fact that he hadn’t, despite now having the affirmation he needed to know his speculation was confirmed, gave her a small butterfly in her chest of hope.
Harlowe  28 F
It was funny how mere seconds ago, she had scoffed at the idea of him harming her. But she knew with her lack of control over her affinity for electricity, and very little muscle mass in her body, she’d be able to put up no fight against him, /c
Harlowe  28 F
She should have ended the dream, or at least her participation in it. She knew this. Yet when he so willingly took her arm and pulled her into a slow gait, she desperately wanted to stay. It could be a trap, she knew this. /c
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