Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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FlightRisk22  100 M
U can just tell that boy never had puddy a day in his pamper wearing life
Bx you lazy eye when i Said when she turn 18
the_amir  37 M
Where crow at
Yuh_EnVyBx  34 F
Cam goes to little kids that’s why he get no pc in rl he dirty
thecr0w  38 F
Gosh some people hea are jus fqed in the head fr
FlightRisk22  100 M
My daughter will thump that boy eat and he couldn't stand up to fight 😭😭
Neighbaa  76 M
Crow idk what you mean lol
Yuh_EnVyBx  34 F
Cam vice versa tho 😂
FlightRisk22  100 M
He keep banning his weird look'n face 😭😭😭😭😭
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