Chat Room: Aussie Chat
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Tully795  48 M
Kev the cbd should help as it's the calming part...If it's not it might do
Yea thx witchie ok I'll stay on it for awhile
Witchie-  99 F
Will do tully 😂
And sun catcher will attract rain..
Witchie-  99 F
Mind ..
Mmmmc  46 M
Any Adelaide girl want to come over my place now
Tully795  48 M
Take all mine please for the next year lol
Witchie-  99 F
Youve gotta stay positive kev or they def wont work ..part of its in the
I've always said tul set yourself some sun mirrors they actually work!
Witchie-  99 F
I need 🌧 rain atm
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