Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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Sleeping with the AC on is not safe
Egyptdontcare  38
Why is this unknown ITALIAN OLD MAN sweating me so hard
Queencap17  38 M
<<<<Omo the clown aka rodney mealy 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Louie d big tho
DreOG75  48
Smhl ☕
He told you he doesn't want you at all
ronlockout  43 M
I ain't even post to u Egypt 😭😭
Zezima  47 M
They broke us up and destroyed our relationship we was going to get married
😭😭😭 empty plates 🎶
CUrVey-CoNtOuRz  100 F
Egypt be like sck my dek yall all Trannys 🤣🍆
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