Chat Room: HorribleHall
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KITT_  102
Lohgrey_Stargold  56
Lohgrey_Stargold  56
Claps as if they out on their little show
KITT_  102
Lohgrey_Stargold  56
Giggles seeing the silly spookys, under the stairs
KITT_  102
[The sleek black vehicle, some knew as, KITT, could be seen driving past the HorribleHall, having gone out for a little drive.]
ShadowHold  F
cc. Johnny: "Mom, what are you smashing with the fly swatter?" Mom. "I'm smashing cockroaches. We can't have those in the kitchen." Johnny: "Well, you know what you can't have for a week."
ShadowHold  F
cc. Mom: "Well, it looks like you were being rough to me so no butter for a week!" The next day Little Johnny found his mom in the kitchen smashing something with a fly swatter. cc
ShadowHold  F
cc "Little Johnny why are you being rough with the butterflies?" Johnny: "I'm not trying to be rough I just want to keep them because they're so beautiful." cc
ShadowHold  F
cc. Mom: "You didn't kill bees they make honey. So no honey for a week." The next day the mom caught Little Johnny being rough with butterflies. cc
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