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Enito  36 M
Savor the encounter. He had been ready to tell her everything at the risk of her rejection due to the inherent danger regarding his mere presence, though he had wanted her to go first for that very reason.
Enito  36 M
Eyes once more. There had been no telling when they would have an opportunity to be here again. A smile had breached the otherwise unmoved countenance at her very obvious joke, albeit for naught but a moment as he had wanted to =>
Enito  36 M
Semblance of control of the dream by forcing the weather out to no avail, he needed to hear her response desperately while they were alone. His gaze fell back to her own as he navigated the cobbled road beneath them, refusing to avert his =>
Enito  36 M
Intrigue. Subtle lift of gaze had lifted briefly aloft to the storm that had suddenly seemed to roll in with the overcast, though no rain had yet fallen, the clouds had seemed to be moving in fast forward, though he had attempted to gain some=>
Enito  36 M
Upon a more solemn tone as if to probe her mind for more, the casual amble having slowed to a snail’s pace as he had eagerly awaited her reply, though in part he had known she were terribly sheltered and that played a huge role in her=>
Enito  36 M
Of the femme, boldly in fact to where he hadn’t hidden the fact. The dream world had seemed to put him at ease that wouldn’t be afforded in reality. “Does that mean that the dark mysterious trope is true?” His deep enriched tone had taken=>
Enito  36 M
Had allowed a vibrant emerald gaze to rest upon his escort throughout the slowed paced saunter that seemed to match her strides as not to overwhelm her. He had allowed a brief moment to pass in which he utilized to study the doll like visage=>
Enito  36 M
Masculine brow lifted midst her dialogue, his interest clearly had been piqued in the most casual fashion , though careful to remain within his frame. “Interested in me?” He couldn’t help but to allow a chuckle in passing as a crane of neck=>
Harlowe  28 F
KITT_  102
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