Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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Letstrythis1  36 M
Ngs is broke n need chat bihes
fakemf  106 M
I'm better then you zezima your mother did nothing for your life
Zezima  47 M
Ur just another scorned child who grew yo be nada
fakemf  106 M
I'll let you believe whatever you want JUST RESPECT ME ONLINE
Zezima  47 M
That man destroyed your life ur childhood he took ur soul
fakemf  106 M
I'm not like you bhhhh I don't need airgs
Letstrythis1  36 M
Stunk means 10x times the smell
fakemf  106 M
I can prove to you I can find a man but he doesn't know you
Zezima  47 M
Your step-dad is the blame
Letstrythis1  36 M
If it stunk then I wasent in it
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