Chat Room: Gold Lounge
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LiveDeht  44
Oh 🙄
fakemf  106 M
He throws hearts validate a prostitute with Two airgs daddies
Rai I want you to meet my parents...and my head lice
Light-brightt-  15 M
I'm banning Sally mae we not doing another day of this. Lol
Realm-ofDa-Woods  37 F
Yeah right yu better say soccer aint no way its football
I-am-Yui  F
Wait ima take tis shirt off
Woods called it football I thought she would say soccer lol
LiveDeht  44
Lol nice feel the burn
Light-brightt-  15 M
I'm not waiting for u but you will wait for me. 😭
fakemf  106 M
He respect old unhealthy bad oder body bhhhs who start airgs DRAMA
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